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Crater View Baptist Church History

In 1925, Eddie Temple, Moses Nunnally, B. F. Houchins, and Levi Mattox (Mrs. Lucy Moore’s father); laymen from Main Street Baptist Church (now Crowder Memorial Baptist Church); organized a mission which met in a home at 541 Greenville Avenue.  They soon outgrew the house and moved into a metal building on Crater Road owned by T. C. Price who was also a member of Main Street Baptist Church.

                In 1927 they borrowed $650.00 and purchased the property at 678 South Crater Road and erected the mission’s first building.  The depression of the 1930s made it impossible for Main Street Baptist to continue their support of the mission, and the loan payments lapsed for two years.

                Mr. Mattox, who was now superintendent of the mission, brought the matter of the loan repayment before the Petersburg Baptist Association.  Some of the Association’s member churches got together and helped pay off the remaining $150.00 of the loan.  Monumental Baptist Church took over the watch care of the Mission while Reverend J. E. Gibson was the pastor.  He was followed in the pastorate by Reverend Ray Cutchins, who was followed in 1960 by Reverend B. K. Schlutow.  Reverend Schlutow served as pastor until December of 1962.

                Reverend W. H. Stockley III became pastor of the mission in January of 1963.  On September 29, 1963, Crater View Mission was organized as Temple Baptist Church with 46 charter members.  Reverend Stockley served as pastor until December 1965.  Reverend Aubry Jones served as pastor from January 1966 until May 1968. 

Brother John Walston served as Superintendent of the Sunday School for 17 years from 1955 through 1972.  During his tenure, the church added two Sunday School classrooms through the monetary donations and manual labor of the membership.

Reverend Paul Burke served as pastor from 1968 until 1971.  During this time Crater Road was widened, the building was relocated to the rear of the property, and the annex was demolished.  The groundbreaking ceremony for a new educational building was held on Easter Sunday 1970.  The building was completed and dedicated in 1971.

Reverend Willie Butler served as pastor from June 1971 until November 1976.  It was during his ministry that the church was renamed Crater View Baptist Church.  Also during this time, the main sanctuary was renovated with new wall paneling, new ceiling tiles, new lighting, new pews, new carpet, and new hand rails.  In 1975, Mr. and Mrs. John Walston presented a beautiful console piano to the church.

Reverend Kenneth M. Anderson served as pastor from June 1, 1977 until July 1, 1980.  It was during his ministry that the United States Park Service purchased the 678 South Crater Road property for $103,100.00 and gave the church another $7,696.00 for moving expenses.  The current property at 626 Graham Road was purchased from Mrs. Lucy Morgan for $19,000.00.  This constituted a considerable gift from Mrs. Morgan, as the property was worth much more than that.  The current facility was erected at a total cost of $155,000.00, the balance of which the church borrowed from the Virginia Baptist Executive Board and quickly repaid.  The first meeting in the new building was held on September 18th, 1978, and the dedication service was held on December 10th of the same year.  The dedication message was brought by Reverend Charlie Spain, the Director of Missions for the Virginia Association.

Also during this time a new piano was purchased with a gift from Mrs. Anderson’s father, Mr. J. F. Davis.  Baptistry curtains were also donated in memory of Mr. Davis and his help to Crater View Baptist Church.  The church also began giving to missions through the Cooperative Program, giving almost $3,000 in the first year in the new facility.

Reverend Spain also served as interim pastor from July 1980 until February 1981, when the church called Reverend Doyce Ford as pastor.  Reverend Spain returned as interim pastor in November 1985 until August 1986 when Reverend Ford returned as pastor, this time serving until June 1989.

Reverend Willie Butler then served as interim pastor until May 1990.  Reverend Lewis Brooks served as pastor from July 1st, 1990 until April 14th, 1996.  During this time the church grew, began giving to missions again, and paved the church parking lot.  Reverend Bill Kinney replaced Pastor Brooks on April 21st, 1996, and served until February 20th, 2005.  During this time the church left the Southern Baptist Convention, becoming an Independent Baptist Church on June 2nd, 2003.

Crater View Baptist Church called our current pastor, Reverend Raz Stephens in July 2005.

© Copyright Crater View Baptist Church, Petersburg, Virginia. all rights preserved.

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